My Musical Works

All of these works are public domain, and you are free to download, share, and use them in any work you wish. Let me know what you think via e-mail , or by contacting me on social media. I'd love to see how they're used!

Goodbye Ophelia (150 BPM, F# Major)

I recently wrote a song expressing my feelings for a certain event. Let's just say...the key was chosen for a reason. Song is public domain. Please feel free to remix it, Nightcore it, whatever, and let me know what you did!

MIDI PDF Sheet Music

Other Works

Title Length Key Signature BPM Size Comments
The Epic Quest For The Blessed Fountain (NES-like) (WAV file) 0:55 C 150 4.62 MB Yes, this is the main song that inspired the Saturday Quiz theme. Made in Famitracker.
Uneasy Money Remix 0:52 G 150 1.19 MB Opening to my TSD Let's Play Series (and possibly a TSD Live stream, just an idea right now). It's a mix between Billy Joel's "Easy Money" and Meghan Trainor's "Dear Future Husband".